Healthy sex is a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality.
The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) defines sexual health as, "the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives."
Being sexually healthy means:
- Knowing that sexuality is a full and natural part of life and involves more than sexual behavior.
- Being able to have sexual pleasure, satisfaction, and intimacy when desired.
- Being able to talk about sexual health with others including sexual partners and health care providers.
- Being able to recognize and respect the sexual rights we all share
- Having access to sexual health information, education, and care
- Putting a stop to STIs and unplanned pregnancies and seeking care and treatment when needed.
Click above to explore important sexual health topics and find tips on how to talk with your health care provider and speak openly with your current or future sexual partner(s).
Remember, sexual health is about informed choices, safety, and respectful experiences.
The Office of Sexual Health and Epidemiology offers resources to find tips on how to talk with your health care provider; speak openly with your sexual partner(s), and explore important sexual health topics which include: Prevention, Pleasure and Power, Knowing Yourself, Testing, Consent, Talking to providers and partners, information on sexually transmitted infections and Partner Services.
Questions? Contact us at stdc@health.ny.gov